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Small Interactions Can Mean a Lot

Jackie Weichman

So there I was… guiding a dive at the Frederiksted Pier with four guests. The water was 85 degrees and conditions were clear and calm. My thoughts: “Oh, its just the yellow frogfish again.” “I only found one seahorse and it was the big purple guy I find all the time.” “One, two, three… eight, nine – I can stop counting green turtles.” And finally: “hahahahaha. Seriously, I’m getting paid to dive in beautiful conditions and these are my thoughts. I’m getting spoiled.”

A few days later I was guiding a dive at Cane Bay. The currents were a bit sporty, but the conditions were clear. My thoughts: “I hope to find the green moray.” “Oh look, the green moray.” “He’s not very friendly today – usually a lot more social.” “A little hawksbill – Barnacle Bob is much larger, friendlier, and more impressive.” “Grace isn’t in her normal spot.” “Hi there, Clyde (yellow headed jawfish).” “It would be cool to find squid.” “Look – 2 squid. How amusing. I was just thinking about them.”

Then I was speaking with my clients. They brought up the Netflix documentary “My Octopus Teacher.” I hadn’t heard of it but made a mental note to look it up. Later that day someone else mentioned the documentary. That evening dive friends of mine posted about it on Facebook. My thought: “I definitely need to check this out.”

*fast forward 2 days* I finished watching “My Octopus Teacher.” I related with the documentary on so many levels. I have names and stories for some of the critters I see, and if I don’t see them for three consecutive dives I worry about their wellbeing. They are family. I don’t touch them. My interaction consists of (1) taking photos and on occasion video; (2) Introducing students and divers with good buoyancy to them (I avoid their homes when diving with those who might damage their environment or disturb them); and (3) the occasional gift of a shell to an octopus. However, after watching the documentary I am going to stop that practice and simply observe rather than trying to interact.

The gist of the documentary is that we are all connected, and interactions can be very meaningful. No – It is a lot deeper than that – but I encourage you to watch it for yourselves. Nonetheless, it got me thinking – my world underwater is no different than on land. I find comfort in the small interactions and consistencies. When I go to the grocery store and make small talk with the same cashier every week, I notice if she is gone. When I go to a restaurant, a new server makes it less personal and more formal. When at the gas station, the owner always greets me with a smile, and I tease him about how he and his family need to learn to dive. When his son is at the register, it simply isn’t the same. We don’t have that same rapport.

To be the ScubaDork I am and cite a Star Trek example: Commander Data’s neural pathways can become accustomed to a person’s sensory input and when it is gone it is noticed and missed.

The point: These small social consistencies in life are more important, and mutually personal than we might realize. Take the time to express curiosity and get to know the world around you - whether it be people, animals, or nature. It may surprise you, and you might surprise it.


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